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UX designer,

Product designer

UX Researcher


7 weeks


Figma, Figjam


Mingle Sport is an app for non-professional ball sport players. It is an existing, extensive, ongoing project, and consists of a great number of complex flows.


Given this complexity, there is a growing need to develop web-based tools that effectively cater to users' requirements. In response to this demand, we decided to introduce Mingle For Clubs (MFC), a web tool currently being designed to enhance the management of the club, its teams and members. MFC is meant to foster social interactions within the club and make external promotion easier, allowing clubs to reach a wider audience.



Football clubs, in the Netherlands, expressed the need for improved communication among their members, in order to enhance engagement and foster a sense of belonging within the club community. We recognized the importance of promoting effective club management and building a strong sense of community among members. Furthermore, clubs were seeking effective ways to promote themselves and attract a larger membership base.


- lack of holistic management

- insufficient communication between club members

- need for club promotion


Recognizing the significance of these requirements and by engaging with clubs and their managers, we confirmed our hypothesis that a platform was needed. By implementing such a tool, clubs can effectively manage their activity feed, provide updates and inform all club members about schedule changes and upcoming events. By designing a web based tool, club managers can have control over their teams' matches, efficiently organize and manage game schedules, track results, create leaderboards, and add members and teams.


- design an easy-to-use platform for club managers

- nurture a vibrant and connected club community

- keep track of matches and leaderboards

- edit teams and members


Considering the multitude of ideas and features to implement, we used a feature prioritization approach to facilitate the development of an MVP. By prioritizing features, we ensured that the most impactful functionalities were implemented first, allowing us to deliver an initial version of the MFC as soon as possible.

Feature prioritization diagram (1).png
  1. Create posts

  2. Create events

  3. Add members

  4. Add teams

  5. External Promotion

  6. Match overview

  7. Publish leaderboards

  8. Notifications and Reminders

  9. Membership Onboarding

  10. Feedback and Suggestions


The Information Architecture Diagram for Mingle for Clubs provides an overview of how I have structured and organized information within the platform. It plays a crucial role in communicating our vision to stakeholders, including developers, as we assess the feasibility of implementing these features within our available capacity. The diagram acts as a blueprint, helping align our development efforts with the desired functionality.


This marks the final iteration of my initial version. In order to make the product the best it can be, I've created a prototype for testing and gathering feedback from users. This allows us to understand their needs and preferences, and make improvements based on their valuable input.

This prototype also serves as a platform for internal discussions, to ensure we address any potential issues and make informed decisions.


One of the key achievements was the positive impact on user satisfaction and engagement. By listening to our users and showing that their needs and feedback are being taken seriously regarding the need for a management tool, we created a sense of respect and validation. This resulted in a noticeable increase in enthusiasm among users, as they felt a stronger connection to the product and became more motivated to promote it within their clubs.

Targeting club managers specifically proved to be a strategic move. As club owners hold influence over trainers, who in turn influence the players, addressing the needs of club managers had a positive effect throughout the entire club ecosystem.



stronger connection to the product



motivated to promote it within their clubs

ripple effect


Building upon the positive user feedback and the enthusiasm generated, I am going to refine and expand the product to meet the evolving needs. I will further engage with stakeholders and gather their perspectives to ensure that my next steps align with their expectations.



more testing rounds


enhanced prototypes

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